Quantum Bio·Inorganic Chemistry Society

Aims of the Society

The QBIC Society is a non-profit organization whose goal is the advancement of science and research in theoretical and computational chemistry as applied to inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry. This is fulfilled by:

  • supporting scientific research in the area of quantum chemistry and computational chemistry focused on inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, including any method development that will benefit these areas of chemistry,
  • promoting the exchange of knowledge, scientific data and results between scientists that pursue research in these areas of chemistry, by electronic means or in person,
  • organising or supporting the organisation of scientific conferences, meetings and summer/winter schools that focus on these areas of chemistry and/or serve to train younger generations of scientists,
  • enhancing the visibility and recognition of outstanding contributions that researchers in theoretical and computational chemistry make to long-standing problems and open questions in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, for instance by awarding them with prizes, medals, and other honours which may include a monetary reward,
  • promoting and publicising the work of scientists in the areas of chemistry of relevance to the QBIC Society by editing special issues of scientific journals or in other suitable ways,
  • promoting advances and developments in these areas of chemistry to the general public.


President: Rob Deeth

Vice-President: Dimitrios Pantazis

Treasurer: Matthias Stein

Secretary General: Vera Krewald

Communications Officer: Maren Podewitz

Statutes and Founding Members

The QBIC Society was founded on April 10, 2018, during the closing meeting in Berlin of the highly successful COST action ECOSTBio. The founding members of the Society were: Robert J. Deeth (University of Bath, UK), Vera Krewald (University of Bath, UK), Dimitrios A. Pantazis (Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Germany), Marcel Swart (University of Girona, Spain), Lubomír Rulíšek (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic), Matthias Stein (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Germany), Maja A. Gruden (University of Belgrade, Serbia), and Maylis Orio (CNRS, Aix Marseille Université, France).

The Statutes of the QBIC Society can be downloaded here as a PDF file.

Signing of the Statutes of the QBIC Society
Signing of the Statutes of the QBIC Society

Copyright © QBIC Society