Quantum Bio·Inorganic Chemistry Society

Becoming a Member

Natural persons can become regular members of the Society. Applications have to be approved by the Board. Being a member of the QBIC Society is a way to enhance the visibility and recognition of the contributions that computational chemists make to important problems in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry. Members of the QBIC Society have the benefit of participating in a global network of scientists within a framework that facilitates recruitment of PhD/Postdoc candidates, organization of schools and conferences, and initiation of joint projects and collaborations.

The Membership assembly is the most important organisational unit of the Society. All members of the Society are invited to participate in the Membership assembly. Its roles include the election and discharge of the Board, approval of the actions of the Board, reception of reports by the Board, election of financial auditors, definition of membership fees and their collection mode, decision on changes to the statutes, decision on the dissolution of the Society, decision on the admission and termination of membership in cases of dispute, and other roles that result from the constitution or the law. Every member has one vote. Legal persons/entities can become Associate Members of the Society (associate members do not have a vote).

To apply for membership in the QBIC Society, please download the application form below, fill it in, sign it and email it along with proof of payment (bank transfer of the designated amount) to the Secretary General according to the instructions provided in the document. The annual membership fees are 30 euros (full member) or 20 euros (student member). Reduced fees are available for members in developing countries.

Application Form (PDF)

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